Tales from the Trails Blog

RDM Farms Shrimp Division

November 5, 2014 - General -

Fresh Salt Water Shrimp, in Indiana, really? Yep, you read right! Fresh salt water shrimp are being raised and sold in the small town of Fowler Indiana, just north of West Lafayette off of State Road 18 in Benton County and the average person, just like you or me can walk in and purchase it! It is some of the cleanest and freshest shrimp you will ever find, especially in Indiana!

The shrimp are shipped to RDM Farms when they are only a few days old and they grow in tanks that look a lot like above ground swimming pools, in three different stages- the nursery, intermediate and adults. They give a very interesting tour for a small per person fee for groups; it would be a great place for Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H, church groups, etc. to visit to learn about shrimp. When the shrimp get to the last stage they are ready to be sold and eaten! Yum! Be prepared, when you go in to purchase the shrimp they are sold live and will still have the heads and legs attached. Nothing is ever sold frozen here. It does make the best shrimp and is great on the grill especially for kabobs. The shrimp is so large yet still tender. They dont even need deveined and you really can eat them with out taking the shell off since the shell is so thin but I still prefer to take the shell off. The owners were telling me the last time I visited that there is a gentleman from the Chicago area that comes down to buy shrimp every month and before he even leaves the store he will pick up a shrimp and eat it head and all, just raw. Now that is sushi! That is a little extreme for me but if thats what you like, go for it!

Shrimp prices are very reasonable and after visiting and tasting the RDM Farms shrimp, I wont be buying shrimp anywhere else again. Go check it out, have a visit with the owners; they are very friendly and incredibly knowledgeable about shrimp and their industry. The owners even give technical tours (for a fee) to those wanting to get into the shrimp business themselves. Youve got to try this shrimp!

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